Building Our Awareness

How do I start being more intuitive with eating? I have dieted for years.  I'm not sure I can listen to my body.

Today's video is about listening and recognizing how smart your body is. Our body already gives us different cues throughout the day, for example, hunger, fullness, thirst, and needing to go to the bathroom. Amazing and truly intuitive cues!

This week I want you to LISTEN and be AWARE of how often your body sends out those cues. 

It's fascinating when you start to pay attention. Our body is pretty cool. 

I also want you to pay attention to when you are IGNORING those cues or making a decision based on something external like a rule or a "should" statement. 

We are building your introspective awareness, building trust in your body, and starting to recognize your body already knows what it needs. It knows before YOU do. You just need to trust it. 


Is Fear Holding You Back


Dieting is the Most Common Form of Disordered Eating