Is Fear Holding You Back

Fear of failing is REAL.

If you've been a chronic dieter or food rule follower then letting go of rules is freakin' scary.

So, let's start small.

  • Maybe you notice your hunger and respond to it.

  • Maybe you notice when you're making a food decision out of fear rather than preference.

  • Maybe you notice it's fear that your body could change.

  • Maybe you notice its fear of not knowing what to do without food rules.

Whatever it is, notice it and start to push back against it. 

You don't have to throw yourself straight into the deep end. You can take it slow. Just dip your toe in the water. When that feels tolerable, move onto the foot. Slowly start to add on. Stretch your ability to sit with uncomfortable feelings AKA fear. 

Building your Window of Tolerance allows you to sit in the discomfort a little bit longer rather than throwing in the towel at the first hint of discomfort. 

You can take it as slow or fast as you are comfortable. Don't let fear hold you back from making change. 

If you have been a chronic dieter or food rule follower for years then letting go of these rules is freakin' scary.


Extremes are Extremely Unhealthy


Building Our Awareness